JavaScript Tip: || vs ?? for Default Values 🚀

JavaScript Tip: || vs ?? for Default Values 🚀

When working with default values in JavaScript, choosing between the logical OR (||) and nullish coalescing (??) operators can significantly impact how your data is handled. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose the right one:

🔄 Logical OR (||)

  • Behavior: Returns the right-hand operand if the left-hand operand is any falsy value. In JavaScript, falsy values include:

    • 0 (zero)

    • '' (empty string)

    • false (boolean false)

    • null (null value)

    • undefined (undefined value)

    • NaN (Not-a-Number)

  • Example:

      javascriptCopy codeconst value = 0 || 'default'; // value will be 'default'
      const anotherValue = null || 'default'; // anotherValue will be 'default'
  • Use Case: Use || when you want to replace any falsy value with a default.

🆗 Nullish Coalescing (??)

  • Behavior: Returns the right-hand operand only if the left-hand operand is null or undefined. Other falsy values such as 0, '', false, NaN are preserved.

  • Example:

      javascriptCopy codeconst value = 0 ?? 'default'; // value will be 0
      const anotherValue = null ?? 'default'; // anotherValue will be 'default'
  • Use Case: Use ?? when you specifically want to handle null or undefined, while keeping other valid falsy values.

📌 Real-World Example

In cases where you need to preserve specific falsy values like 0, using || might incorrectly replace it with null. Conversely, ?? will preserve such values, ensuring accurate data handling.


javascriptCopy codeconst answerData = { judgement: 0 };

// Using || - replaces 0 with null
const judgementWithOr = answerData.judgement || null; // result: null

// Using ?? - preserves 0
const judgementWithNullish = answerData.judgement ?? null; // result: 0


  • Use || to handle all falsy values and provide a default.

  • Use ?? to specifically handle null or undefined, preserving other falsy values.

Choosing the right operator ensures your data is handled as intended and avoids unintended transformations. Happy coding! 💻✨

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